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Support us, make a donation today!

Every donation that we receive directly supports the vital work we do with those living with dementia. You can give a one off donation or monthly gift that will help us continue our work and reach more people living with dementia.

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    How a donation of £20 will help us

    With a donation of £20 you could cover 2 hours of respite for carers to attend training and support sessions.

    We offer a number of sessions for carers throughout the year but some carers are not able to find someone to cover their care responsibilities. We offer respite at all of our carer focused support groups and training sessions so that they are able to attend with some peace of mind.

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  • Donate £50
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    How a donation of £50 will help us

    With a donation of £50 you could cover 1 home visit from a Dementia Advisor.

    Dementia Advisors work with people with dementia and their carers after providing an initial assessment in person and remain their case worker throughout time with Dementia Concern.

    With the input of an Advisor, carers are better informed about dementia and its effects. Other care professionals, such as GPs, home carers, district nurses and care managers, are kept up to date about the client's circumstances. People with dementia and their carers are empowered to make informed choices about their lives and care, and have a say as to how services are provided.

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  • Donate £100
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    How a donation of £100 will help us

    With a donation of £100 you could help cover 2 home visits from our Safe at Home Team.

    The Safe at Home Team provides vital safeguarding support to people with dementia who live alone, including home visits. This support better enables people to live independently in their own homes and helps prevent admissions to long-stay care and hospital.

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    Donating any amount of money is a powerful act of kindness

    Any amount you donate will be going towards supporting Dementia Concern.

    You will be making a difference regardless of the amount and is a powerful act of kindness that can create a significant impact.

    Donate Now

Thanks for supporting us

Dementia Concern supports over 1,300 clients living with dementia and in excess of 945 carers.

Other Ways to send money to Dementia Concern

Please click on the chosen method for more information.

  • Cheques only (Please do not send cash via post) which need to be addressed to ‘Dementia Concern’ then sent to:

    Dementia Concern
    223 Windmill Road
    W5 4DJ

    If you are a UK tax payer you can fill in a Gift Aid declaration which allows Dementia Concern to claim an extra 25% on your donation from the government.

    Download Gift Aid Form

    If you are paying a joint payment for an event where you have multiple people donating together then please download a sponsorship form with the multiple donor details.

    Dowload Sponsorship Form

  • You can make a direct payment from your bank account. Please put reason for payment in the subject

    Account Name: Dementia Concern
    Account Number: 46012419
    Sort Code: 60-01-02

  • Call 0208 568 4448

    please select Option 2 to speak to one of our Fundraising or Finance team who will be able to process your payment

If you wish to donate to Dementia Concern by leaving us a gift in your will, or through in memory giving, visit these pages below for more information:

Leave a gift in your will

In Memory Giving