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Gavin Nash running at Kew Half Marathon

Runner Profile - Gavin Nash

News posted: 27 February, 2025 Post by:

Time to read: ~ 2 minutes, give or take.

Gavin Nash

I'm approaching my 50th birthday this year, and will have hit it by the time the Marathon comes around. Taking stock of my life so far, I don't think that I've given enough back, so the first thing is that this effort hopefully goes some way to address that.

My Grandad, who was one of the foundational rocks of my early life, suffered from a form of dementia in his final years, and it was utterly heart-wrenching to see his intellect and his sense of self being slowly stripped away from him. It's maybe the cruellest way possible to lose a loved one. To lose them well before they've gone.

I was so happy and honoured to be selected by Dementia Concern as one of their runners at this year's marathon and to be able to make a tangible difference to the lives of people suffering from Dementia and, just as importantly, their loved ones.

I’ve also set up a Youtube channel and will be endeavouring to document my progress throughout the training programme and, of course, on the big day itself -

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