The following resources can be sorted by using the filter tabs below.

Getting a diagnosis of dementia
What to expect when getting a diagnosis of dementia
Applying for a Carers Blue Badge
The Blue Badge scheme is a UK-wide provision that enables people with disabilities to park closer to their destination.
Everything You Need to Know About Power of Attorney
If your loved one has a dementia diagnosis, it's likely they’ll eventually become unable to make important decisions for themselves.
Financial Support for Unpaid Carers
Being an unpaid carer can pose new challenges in many areas of your life — and your finances are no exception.
A Guide to the Court of Protection
As a carer for someone with dementia, there may come a time when your loved one is unable to make appropriate decisions for themselves
Council Tax Reduction: Is Your Household Eligible?
If you’re eligible for a discount, then the exact amount will vary. This will depend on the council tax band you’re in and what percentage you’re entitled to as a discount.
Caring for Someone With Early-Onset Dementia
Early-onset dementia, also known as young-onset dementia, is a diagnosis given when dementia symptoms present before the age of 65.
What to Do If You've Been Overpaid Carer's Allowance
Receiving a notification of overpayment of Carer's Allowance can be a confusing and stressful experience.