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Ali's Story

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An older man wearing glasses and a white beard


The weekly Coffee Mornings and monthly meetings set up for carers were of great help.

In early 2018, my husband Ali was diagnosed as suffering from Dementia

He was already suffering from Parkinson's disease which was diagnosed two years previously, this came as a great shock to my husband and all the family.

We were put in touch with Dementia Concern by Sycamore Lodge, where he was diagnosed. Shortly afterwards we had a visit from a very cheerful and friendly worker from Dementia Concern who informed us of all the facilities available to us at Dementia Concern and also advised us of the benefits we could claim, i.e. Attendance allowance, and even helped us to complete the necessary paperwork.

The weekly Coffee Mornings and monthly meetings set up for carers were of great help as we had the chance to share each other's experiences of caring for our loved ones. It helped the carers to realise that they are not alone in their caring role and that there are others who are in a worse situation.

I have found the staff at Dementia Concern to be very approachable and caring at all times and I very much appreciate the fact that we were not forgotten throughout the lockdown.

I would like to say a big thank you to all at Dementia Concern for their invaluable service to the community.

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